"Almost Made It" Stories | 4chan stories

By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 1 Aug 2024

>Discovered Bitcoin in early 2013.
>Sold in 2018 and made a 40x return.
>Realize I would be a millionaire now if I just held.
>Kill me.
>Closed my long on NVIDIA when it dumped during COVID.
>Sold all my alts for Bitcoin before the 2020 run, which would have net me minimally 7 figs.
>Still had a lot but then lost 99% with leverage.
>Now my net worth is a measly 25k at 28.5k.

I still think this is enough for 7 figs with my new knowledge and wisdom, but barely.

Yes I feel like sh*t. I could have retired at 25 with a million dollar home at the time and didn't have to ...


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Biz Wisdom
Biz Wisdom

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