Trust Wallet finally fixed one of the most annoying scams

By LeftFooted | bitcoinea | 10 Aug 2024

Trust Wallet has apparently fixed one of the most annoying issues it had.

It appears that Trust finally managed to get rid of the annoying, and dangerous, scam NFTs.

Today, upon accessing my wallet, I saw a notification that read 'say goodbye to those scam NFTs'.

And apparently, it is true.

I checked the NFTs in my wallet and all I'm left with are a McLaren NFT I had no idea I had, a Coinbase 'Base' NFT and a few Web3 domains, that's it.

I don't know how they did it, but I'm glad they did.

Scammy NFTs are a plague.

They first appeared probably a couple of years ago, and for a while no one did anything about those.

Then, several wallet providers began flagging them as potential scams, or putting them in folders.

But they should be blocked before they even get to your wallet, because unfortunately people fall for it.


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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on


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