Crypto Decoded with Jeff

Crypto Decoded; Icp, Ankr, Terra, Sol, Xyo, Grt Inside Look!

Tonight we are going to be doing a Massive episode of news Crypto Analysis and looking into the projects that have a good chance of being around for awhile and why. Most Layer 1 Projects which have their own blockchains have a bigger chance of sticking around for the long run. We are actually starting an old series back again from awhile ago and revamp it called Crypto Decoded and tonight it's about Icp, Ankr, Terra, Sol, Xyo, Grt and even more crypto news.


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On our Bitcoin Renegades road to 100k YouTube subscribers we will be giving away thousands of dollars in crypto to our loyal community as well as our new subscribers. Just use both gleam contests to be entered in to win at 1k subs and this one for 100k subs to giveaway $6,000 in crypto paid by sponsors(not yet determined) of the Bitcoin Renegade channel!!


If you want to support the channel and help me make better videos by getting better equipment then you can support it through my Bitcoin wallet! please send Bitcoin if you can help the AT channel or subscribe, view and if your feeling generous hit the like!! Thanks a bunch I knew I could count on you!! 



Join my patreon for Altcoin Moonshot gems before they blow up! Also to help the channel grow and donate for my community giveaways so I can put more money into the videos.


Contact info and resources for ICP

ICP website:


Dfinty reddit group:

icp trader:



Disclaimer; For entertainment purposes only not financial advice at all and always do your own research before investing your money into Cryptocurrencies of any kind you can lose money if you don't understand what the market is doing.

#icp #ankr #terra #sol #xyo #grt #crypto #cryptonews #cryptodecoded 

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Bitcoin Renegade
Bitcoin Renegade

YouTube channel called Bitcoin Renegade with the most caring awesome community in the world!! We are on the road to 1k subs on YouTube then 10k then 100k


Here we talk all things Crypto! We are building a huge caring, community driven and focused community! All these blogs will talk about my video topics I am discussing and give info in a community driven way!

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