Big dreams with the power of your mind are possible. You often take advantage of free time to free your imagination. You can let it go as far as you allow it to go, therefore; if you stifle your imagination you can condition it to be limited. On the other hand, if you choose to harness its full potential with the proper character and power of your mind you will see that it is limitless.
"If you want to achieve a goal, you must first see it in your mind."-Zig Ziglar
Have you ever wondered why it is so important to have big dreams?
I think so, and if you have not asked yourself this question, it is important that you do it right now. Because your imagination allows you to feel life, to feel part of something. Now, you should ask yourself the following question; when does the imagined become a big dream, it is a great question that you don't have to wait for life to give you an answer.
Well, the imagined becomes a big dream; when you recreate and recreate and recreate and recreate and recreate it many times. If you are always imagining the same thing, you don't have to doubt it, that's where your life purpose is and above all your happiness. You find the dreams and purposes, no one else will.
Imagination allows you to strengthen your dreams, it gives you vision, the north to freedom and fulfillment as a person and spectacular BEING. As imagination feeds dreams, you have to let it fill them to infinity, big dreams bring big rewards.
Remember: Big dreams, are big challenges, therefore, the changes are going to be bigger, your commitment must be bigger. Leonardo Puentes A.
When you manage to materialize that dream that kept you awake. You must immediately have the next one, it can be complementary or different, just make sure it is bigger than the previous one, so you will avoid stagnation.
Visualize your big dreams, harness the power of your mind!
Visualize the goal, is to prepare the map to not undertake blindly. Because, if you aim at a goal blindfolded, you will hardly get it right, and that map will show you the type of character you must have to reach the goal.
You have to dream and dream big, stagnate is not a good choice, do not stop acting, do not let circumstances make you faint, the great rewards take time, sweat, perseverance, sacrifice.
And to end this post, I would like you to tattoo two important mottos deep in your BEING.
"Success is not the goal, success is the consequence of discipline." Leonardo Puentes A.
"Don't look for jobs, create jobs". Leonardo Puentes A.
Now, tell us what you think about Big Dreams and The Power of Your Mind.
Don't forget to leave your comments. success!