Avoiding this mistake postpones your Wealth

Avoiding this mistake postpones your Wealth

Don't delay your wealth!

This content is functional for any investment you want to make, but it is more oriented to investing in stock market or also called trading with regulated financial instruments. But that does not limit you to read and share this article, because I always try to give maximum value to the content to be helpful to people. And I hope it will help you no matter what sector you want to invest in.

So let's get started.

In the process of "seeking wealth," many mistakes are made that it would be impossible to avoid. These mistakes are necessary not only in the pursuit of money, but in every sense of our life, they are necessary mistakes that allow us to reach the acquisition of learning and experience.

There is one mistake that, although it is a mistake, should not be nullified, because avoiding it will make you postpone not only wealth, but also success, or simply never achieve your desires. If you avoid it, you will fall into conformism.

But you have to make sure that when you decide to face that mistake, that when you encounter that mistake, you work on it in a constant and disciplined way to move forward. The mistake you must not avoid is called FAILURE.

Avoiding failure is like saying: I don't want to learn, I don't want knowledge.

I repeat, failure is the mistake you should NOT avoid. And how do you NOT avoid it? with continuous learning, doing, taking action, getting down to work to build that dream.

Of course, failure must come from a responsible act. Do not misunderstand me because there is no lack of people who go out and perform irresponsible acts and then start pointing fingers to wash their hands.

Having defined and identified the mistake WE SHOULD NOT AVOID, let's get down to business and look at the role of FAILURE in the investment world, in the creation of wealth and success.  

If you search the internet for investment options, you will find things like: dropshipping, affiliate or referral sales, content creation, real estate and the famous trading or stock market investment, among many others.

Let's clarify concepts, the first one being what is investment?

Let's remember that investment is any activity that implies the contribution of a resource X in order to obtain a benefit later on. A resource X can be, time, money, energy, etc; although the raw material for everything is TIME.

The term investment has been erroneously stigmatized only with money, as it is very common to come across thoughts such as: to invest I need money.

Again a very trite phrase, to invest does not necessarily require money, it is only a matter of analyzing beyond the possibilities and present circumstances.

The "investment" activity is gaining more and more strength and popularity every day, especially with the theme of trading. Capturing new investors in an unscrupulous way, playing with the dreams and illusions of people, filling the pockets of a few. Investors who do not have the appropriate tools, they only have a total ignorance and the illusions of being millionaires.

"Never depend on one income, make an investment to create a second source. Warren Buffet"

The stories of failures grow at an accelerated rate around this investment activity called trading. The sad thing is that people do not take advantage of that stumble to move forward, on the contrary, they use it to shrug their shoulders, accept their life full of mediocrity and return to the place where everything is safer, to the comfort zone.

Many failures and many people who do not want to accept the value of failure, just because they hope to achieve their dreams one day by magic. They want to amass wealth like novels, children's stories, movies and series.

People don't want to fail, they want it now, they only believe in those prostituted stories of instant success.

They hope to become rich by investing in pyramid companies; if only they would give themselves the time, the opportunity to detoxify themselves from so much filth in the world, they would act differently.

Actually, I thought that the pyramid schemes had already been overcome, I thought that people did not fall for that story anymore. These "pyramid investment groups" attract more and more inexperienced investors every day. The good thing about this is that they double the cases of failures; the bad thing is that they do not learn, they only dedicate themselves to point fingers and look for culprits.

Keep the following advice in mind and clear:

It is your responsibility to create your wealth, it is your responsibility to seek your well-being; neither your father, mother, siblings, partner, nor investment groups have the responsibility to make your wealth.

Taking the risk to look for it has its challenges, and one of them is losing your hard-earned money, but it brings the irreplaceable benefit of learning. As long as you don't let fear paralyze you.

What can be learned from an investment failure in trading?

  • Develop an investment plan
  • Create the risk profile
  • Do not seek short-term gains
  • Diversify investments
  • Learning from Compound Interest
  • Controlling emotions
  • Do not abuse leverage
  • Manage regulated brokers

I write these words from my failure, and another thing I learned when I started investing in the stock market was BROKER.

Let's define "broker": A broker is the intermediary platform between the market and the trader. This is full of platforms that only act for their own benefit. So you must be careful. If you have already failed with one, the next one is chosen from learning.

As far as the Brokers topic is concerned, I will do it in another post. I will post the link here when it is ready.

If You Want Wealth, Don't Let Failure Put You Off

Due to lack of knowledge, people do not know where they are really investing, they live in the fantasy of the markets, they get carried away by how easy the tutorial makes it look. They believe that they can simply read a book, buy a course, open an account, start trading and make money. Or simply by using the apps that James Rodriguez recommends you are going to get your first million dollars, or maybe you do better with the app that Ronaldinho recommends.

It is as if a person dreamed of owning a house and just by reading a book on architecture, the next day he has his house built. Or pretending to perform a heart operation, simply by participating in a 4-hour seminar on a weekend, is not going to be possible. Professions such as architecture or medicine are extensive careers in practical theoretical knowledge; it is no different in trading and investments.

In order to invest properly and responsibly any resource, you must break all the barriers of failure, of learning. In investments it is necessary to acquire requirements like any other professional activity. A set of knowledge that you have to receive if or if, to be able to create an appropriate skill, to execute such knowledge in practice and achieve profitability.

Gain knowledge if you want financial freedom

You can not make money in the investment markets, if you do not undergo a process of learning and practice, these two actions have to be well done. Unfortunately, many people when we start this trading activity, we do it from the action of hope, despair, illusion and ignorance. And because we do not know, we fall into all these bad practices by the manipulation of the "group leaders", leaders who are only part of a pyramid system.

In the markets in general, no one can predict what will happen. Well, if you can manipulate with privileged information, that happens in every stock market. But more abuse occurs in unregulated markets, such as: binary options, CFD's, synthetic instruments and something in the middle of forex. It does not mean that it is impossible to make a profit in these markets.

In order to invest in the financial markets, it is essential to be clear about who is involved and how they work. When investing in the stock market, it is necessary to think directly in terms of probabilities. And to detect those probabilities, it is important to know well the different tools that will make it possible to participate in the market. Technical and fundamental analysis help to identify the countless opportunities offered by the stock market, as well as the price action.

"Understanding what the market means will make trades take consistency. @TheBeingMillionaire"

5 phases most new investors go through

What usually happens to people who enter into financial asset trading without knowledge:

  1. They buy a book or watch a trading course. They like what they read, see and hear; especially in the courses, they show images and benefits to motivate the new investor. But in reality it is only to increase the economic performance of the brand or academy or broker; this way they hook the new investor.
  2. The motivation phase comes, they open an account and lose all the money. But they still like it because they got some positive operation, so they try again, get more money and lose it again.
  3. Moving on to the frustration phase, they begin to feel the pain of losing money. Money that often comes from savings, intertwining negative emotions with the activity of trading, investing.
  4. Many have already at this stage completely given up investing. If they continue, they begin to carry out operations out of fear, frustration or irritation. Reaching the final phase of the investment dream. The ability to analyze a market under negative emotions is very complicated, if not impossible.
  5. In the end, they end up deserting and hating everything related to investments. They are left in a state of financial death, with no aspirations. Returning to a systematic life, limited to a fixed job.

The wonderful thing about this whole process of welcome to trading, is that if you have that passion for the markets, you will try again in the right way. From my own experience I can tell you that.

As the secret is not in predicting exactly the future movement, you must act according to what is happening, associating a probability that the price action gives. No guessing, if you are going to participate in the market, there must be some reason why you invested, what analysis tool gave the possibility of winning. Nothing in the stock market works randomly, everything has a reason.

3 golden rules that make new investors fail but at the same time shape them

  1. Lack of knowledge of risk management. Capital management. 
  2. Emotional weakness, spoiling the ability to analyze. Failure to take advantage of the opportunity. Creating an inability to make the right decision for one's own benefit.
  3. Improvise when investing. Not having a trading system.

Learning that set of rules and managing oneself to act in the right way in a real environment allows you to manage every action you take. As human beings, we have emotions that interfere in our performance, especially in decision making; whether positive or negative, the emotional part is always present.

That's all for now, I have more but it's getting too long to read.

Thank you for reaching this point in the reading, I hope you have found the content helpful and enjoyable.

As I also hope that failure motivates you to learn and be better every day. 

Comment on what other mistakes are necessary on the road to wealth.

See you another time.


I leave you the link to the original post in Spanish, it is of my authorship: EVITAR ESTE ERROR POSTERGA TU RIQUEZA

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Investment - Entrepreneurship - Education - Financial Education www.leopuentes.me

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