Having only just seen the posts on here about the Ample airdrop of FORTH tokens... I was sceptical to say the least. Especially as I had only withdrawn $4.50 of Ample to my Trust Wallet.
People were claiming they had received four and five digit claims, while others were flagging the crazy high Eth gas which you have to pay up front to claim.
I decided to have a look at the claim form in the DApp section of trust wallet. The provided links failed - I was thinking scam. But the real link was provided in comments below the article: https://www.ampleforth.org/governance/claim/
Within an instant, I was told I could claim 160 Forth tokens. About $6500 at the time of writing. I was in shock, it could not be true, $6500 for $4.50 of withdrawals from publish0x. But I would have to gamble $15 of Eth to get it.
Reading up on Publish0x I was more convinced it was real, so I purchased some Eth in Trust Wallet (I keep my other Eth else where), and then... claim failed... Noooooo, con?
I checked my Eth, it had gone out, I checked the claim form, it asked me to pay again... I hit the trough from my peak. Stupid me I thought.
Checking the claim form again - it flagged it as s successful claim... Hmmm perhaps things are okay. I added the FORTH token code to Trust Wallet. Bamm $6500 arrived, I refreshed and refreshed, it cannot be true.
But it was. I am very happy, and that money is now spread across multiple wallets, exchanges, and crypto currencies. Some is being staked, some earning interest, some on launchpad, but in all it is growing more.
Happy Saturday for me, will it be for you?