Up at Deam's Lake in Southern Indiana

Good site to buy cloud mining contracts and get quite good returns

Hello and Good Afternoon,

So, I wrote a paper on here a while back after investing some money in what turned out to be a total scam at coin-mining-farm.com. After getting burned on that, I started doing some research on what to expect from real miners and saw that the payout level compared to what CMF promised was just insane on there, and I lost my money as the site went down, along with thousands of others. That led me to start looking for sites that had realistic rates that were close to the actual mining cost and revenue of a physical miner.

I did a bit of late-night research on some different sites, and found a site where you pay for renting a mining contract called ECOS. I bought the $149 plan for 3 years, along with the free 1 month of having more mining power. It does take time to make your money back, don't get me wrong. Most plans that I was looking at that were at a price that I could see myself affording took between 11-13 months before you pay back what you put in and begin making profit. I get around $0.47 a day from my entry level plan, and that will pay back my investment in just under a year. After that, then I will, or at least theoretically should, profit around $280 over the next two years. I was wary of getting ripped off after the last site, so I deposited $30 into my account on the site, then withdrew it. I did get charged about $4.50-5.00, but it went back into my coinbase wallet! I have activated the free plan and have had the cheapest plan for a little over two months now, and am up to $27.21 so far. 

If low-risk, low-maintenance investments that are more for the longer term sound good, I would give it a serious thought. I know some people shy away when they see that the first year is only covering the cost of your investment, and they do not consider the future payoff. Especially as the price of bitcoin goes up. You get an amount of bitcoin, not a set amount of money. That way, if bitcoin goes up, you're in luck, as your contract should net you more. They are based out of Armenia, which is unexpected, but seem to be upgrading their business quite quickly. My referral link is:


(if you buy a contract using this referral link, I get a small return, thank you in advance!)

It costs nothing to start a 30-day free mining trial, which makes a few bucks on its own surprisingly. It just takes patience, but you can triple your investment in 3 years and withdraw any amount in around 24 hours. The last point of why I like it is that you don't need to be logged in or have anything running to be mining with this place. Once the plan is bought, they handle all the heavy lifting and you can log off for 2 years and come back and collect your money or reinvest, whatever floats your boat!

Thank you for everyone reading this, I hope you all can at least activate the free trial. With Bitcoin being on a meteoric rise, it is nice to have something generating it slowly, albeit surely. I never thought anything would be near to even 50% APR, yet if bought for 3-5 years, it makes a whopping 95% APR minus some small fees. They did have a $50 plan special that is I think 0.3Th/s for 2 years, but I got 1.25Th/s for $149, which is a much better deal, and haven't had any issues.

Happy investing everyone! Lets make cryptocurrency the new dollar!

Good luck to all, 

Cole Matuschka

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35 year old disabled male, currently unemployed and looking for cryptocurrency deals to help with finances.

Basic info on recent cryptocurrency developments
Basic info on recent cryptocurrency developments

I am going to try to make my first blog, and to center it on recent developments in the cryptocurrency world. I hope that I can help some people who are new to the cryptocurrency game, and to have a chance to aid them in making good investments for the future.

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