Importance of standing desks in work place

By Bala | Bala | 16 Jul 2024

Having a good working environment is very important to increase productivity. When it comes to that, many companies have started providing great facilities in the office where the employees don't even feel like going back home. When many such attractive facilities are provided, it is also important to note that those facilities are healthy and employee-friendly. One such innovation is the standing desks in the office place.

Today many offices provide this facility where the employees can take a quick walk and reach a nearby standing desk and work from there for some time. These types of desks are also available in a way where that is not disturbing for the other employees and they are also available in a break zone where people take their coffee on place them on the standing desk and have them. These facilities have been targeted towards making employees stand more along with too much sitting they are already doing.


Advantages of standing desks

The biggest benefit one can get with a standing desk is the health benefit. If we are bound to our work, mostly we can find it hard to take breaks. Sometimes we might be able to take breaks but taking healthy breaks without affecting our work is the biggest innovation. With the help of a standing desk, people can get up from their regular work tables and move to a standing desk to stand and work for some time.

It is a very common thing that for most employees it becomes hard to continuously sit and work for a very long period. Especially if we are having back-to-back calls, it can be hard to sit in one single place. Usually, I stand up in the same place and attend the calls by just standing for some time. But it can be distracting for others who are sitting and working. They might think that we are talking to them because we are standing and attending the call. Having a standing desk separately can keep this exclusively for standing and working and this way people can do whatever they want.


There are different types of standing desks available one such type is a cabin which looks like a telephone booth where someone can go inside and stand and work. Mostly the standing desks are also attached to a wall so that if someone wants to lean on the wall they can lean and work.

Wire free-standing desks

This is the next attractive thing. In some offices, the focus has been on using wireless things so that the desks look neat and clean. The earphones have become wireless and even the chargers are also becoming wireless these days. The only thing is that we have to carry our laptops to that desk to work.

Another advantage we have is that if it is wireless, we can even walk while we are doing our meetings. We don't have to be bound to the standing desk alone to work. I have seen many people in the office who carry their wired headsets with them and walk while they are attending calls.

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