Tech And Things
Tech And Things

Tech And Things

I am the host of Tech & Things and a social media blockchain enthusiast using what I believe to be the next level of social communication. Join me as I share my vision of the emerging Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain technologies. Links:

Centraverse: The Centralized Metaverse

23 Jan 2022 3 minute read 6 comments Scott Cunningham

With Metaverse tokens taking a -50% dive, I wanted to talk about why what we currently have is not a Metaverse, moreover, all we have is the centralized Metaverse aka the Centraverse. This is my 501st post, welcome to th...

The Guide To Bastyon & PKOIN

21 Jan 2022 24 minute read 2 comments Scott Cunningham

Welcome to the comprehensive guide to the crypto-monetized social platform Bastyon and their cryptocurrency PKOIN. We will cover every aspect of the platform and using the cryptocurrency in this tutorial. In this guide w...

Creativity: Metaverse, NFTs, AI, and Robots

18 Jan 2022 3 minute read 3 comments Scott Cunningham

One of my biggest concerns about AI, the Metaverse, NFTs, robots, and machine automation is that human creativity itself can be replicated, replaced, and outpaced. Let’s talk about the value of creativity today. To start...

Investing Psychology Is Against You

12 Jan 2022 7 minute read 5 comments Scott Cunningham

There are so many ways that your own psychology is against you like loss aversion, sunk cost fallacy, anchoring, and much more. You are your own worst enemy and by understanding this you can invest smarter. This is where...

Why I Don't Recommend NFTs… YET!

6 Jan 2022 2 minute read 4 comments Scott Cunningham

This is a controversial opinion on NFTs because while I believe most people think they’re silly, there’s a huge community that is now being tapped into by the mainstream, influencers, and celebrities. It’s fair to say th...

Why You Won’t Catch A 100x Crypto

3 Jan 2022 2 minute read 10 comments Scott Cunningham

It’s highly unlikely that with a coin that you don’t have conviction in that you will ride out the 100x let alone even a 10x. If you only put in $100, you’re not going to make anything.  In 2019, 1% of the adult populati...

Budgeting & Investing – Report #21

31 Dec 2021 3 minute read 2 comments Scott Cunningham

Time for another update on my investment portfolio and my passive income journey. In this episode, I cover my regular monthly update sharing what I invest in and why. This is amateur investing at its finest! *Disclaimer:...

Crypto Bots Keep Spamming Scams

30 Dec 2021 2 minute read 5 comments Scott Cunningham

Crypto bots are spamming scams on so many platforms nowadays it’s becoming hard to keep up with them. And so, it’s much easier for me to make a video addressing this than to individually warn people and deal with each occurrence.

Blockchain Social & Crypto Earnings Report #24

17 Dec 2021 2 minute read 6 comments Scott Cunningham

You want to take full advantage of the social platforms out there that use blockchain technology or have crypto monetization. Here are the 16 platforms I used to earn $1,185 CAD worth of fiat & crypto in November as well as some insights. https://yo...

Lending Versus Staking – Explained

16 Dec 2021 5 minute read 6 comments Scott Cunningham

There is so much opportunity in the world of crypto passive income, but there’s also a lot of misconceptions. The biggest one is that lending and staking are interchangeable and offer the same thing. Let’s discuss the differences. This guide on Coin...