#HappyHempDay - Droppin' A D00k13 LIVE Broadcast

By d00k13 | @d00k13 | 6 May 2020


#HappyHempDay Smokers, Coming at you live for 4:20PM doing a little Smoke.io Curation. I will also be talking a little about my #naturalmedicine treatment for an injured wrist, thanks to #topical #cannabis for the speedy recovery. Just playing with my live streaming platform a little bit with this one I will be testing #restreamio discord chat relay. In future this means our weekly #onelovedtube voice chats will be live to the chain and interactive with chat, EVERYWHERE! Should be fairly easy for me to figure out 🤞 #smokenetwork #smokeio #dailyvlog #onelovedtube #dtube


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Has The Idea Of Being A Witness Crossed Your Mind?
For me it started as a desire to learn if I could do it.

Maybe It's Time To Run That Idea Out?
I for one will be certain to support in any way I can the new witnesses in their efforts to help maintain the blockchain... hit us up in discord 👌



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#smokenetwork #happyhempday #smokeio #promote

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As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known! Vlogger & Blogger / #OneLoveDTube Founder / Smoke.io Witness / A Creative Mind


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