Rocketo Lunar Program is another money-making app on Telegram. What is it all about?
To start, you need to join the Rocketo Lunar Program app available on Telegram. You don't need to install any additional app.
You can use my referral link. Join the space mission and receive airdrops for Lunar Coin!
The whole mining process consists of 3 basic elements
Mining (30 levels)
Docking (30 levels)
Percentage (30 levels)
And a few additional ones, for which we also receive tokens, which include: watching ads, inviting friends, and playing staking.
What does digging look like?
Every 2 hours you have to withdraw your mined material or use a docking station. However, it has a certain capacity. If it fills up, mining will stop. To increase it, you have to pay for it with your mined material. Then it will be increased.
Depending on our preferences, we decide what to do with the mined tokens: whether we increase mining per hour, whether we expand the docking station, or whether we increase the daily mining percentage.
Try your luck
The first additional option for earning money is to guess how ETH will behave on the exchange within an hour. We can bet from 10 to 100% of our available output. You can gain all or lose all - it's a bit of a gamble.
Inviting friends
The second additional option is inviting friends. Here we also get a certain percentage, described in more detail in the application.
Watching partner ads
There are 10 ads to watch every day, for which we receive tokens depending on the wealth of our output.
You can connect your wallet, but the withdrawal will only take place after the L2 app chain is launched. All dates will be announced on our Telegram channel.
I invite you to play. Join the space mission and receive drops for Lunar Coin! My ref-code: JdZMV