What an Expert Piano Player!

Today, I saw an amazing piano-playing video.

I saw the video on LinkedIn shared without any reference to the source.

So, I don't know the name of the piano player.

But I couldn't stop sharing it on Odysee and here.

If anybody happens to know about the piano player, please write that in a comment.


What is notable that makes me want to share it?

An expert piano player playing the piano lying inverted on the seat.

  • Can you imagine playing a piano or keyboard lying inverted on a chair?

How much expertise is essential to play piano lying inverted?

It must have been many days/months of hard practice sessions to master the skill.


Video Source



Who I am

  • I am from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). I have also added "Arts" and "Fine Art" to my interests and made my interests STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

  • I develop solutions for passwords and cybersecurity relevant to cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and blockless distributed ledgers.

I hope the entire blogging community will strive here and elsewhere.


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The article was initially posted on ReadCash.



Debesh Choudhury

Text Copyright © 2023 Debesh Choudhury — All Rights Reserved

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Lead Image:  A screenshot from my Odysee video.

All other images are either drawn/created/screenshots by myself or credited to the respective artists/sources.

Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for life, career, business, or investment. Do your research before adopting any options.

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Aug 18, 2023

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Debesh Choudhury
Debesh Choudhury

I am an Information Security Researcher, Podcast Host & Tech Blogger.

Arts, Music & Culture
Arts, Music & Culture

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