Designing a T-Shirt in Honor of LMAC on Hive

By soyernesto | Art Diary | 12 Jan 2025

Article first published on my personal blog at HIVE. on LMAC Community


Inspired by my entry this round, where I chose brutalism as the base style, I wanted this design to have a similar style but more colorful, representing our community.

My entry for this round is here
You can access the original contest post here
Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 217 - ✨44 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

You can now explore the entire LIL catalogue with more than 10'000 items on our dedicated web interface:

👉 👈

If you want to know more about brutalism in art and graphic design, I'll tell you a little bit about it. It is a trend inspired by the architectural movement of the 50's, characterized by the lack of ornaments, with a sometimes careless and uncorrected aesthetic, which is confused with the lack of concern for the final result. This style seeks to express feelings and emotions in the roughest possible way and to be the counterpart of the most commercial design.

Screenshot taken by me

Well, going back to the collage, first I made an exploration using the Random-Pick button of the library to obtain random results. Little by little I went for the images that caught my attention the most, I also used an image that I already had downloaded from the previous round and that I really like.

My creative process

Then the magic began. Little by little, with the main idea in my head, I began to cut out and assemble each element. Here I can spend several hours, because I never end up completely happy with the result. With everything in place, I added some preset textures, some displacements, gradients and, finally, the halftone grid effect.

When I had everything ready, I decided to place it in a Mockup. As I couldn't find any in the gallery (maybe I will add them soon), I decided to go to an external source. In this case, a Mockup obtained from Syndrome Design, an Instagram designer that on his website offers several very useful and totally free resources. I had to make some changes and correct the colors, but nothing that took me more than 15 minutes.

Well, I hope you like the final design and I would love to read your opinions and comments, would you try this style in your next collage? Without further ado, my wishes for a nice and creative day. See you soon.


LIL Preview imageContributed to the #LIL by @quantumg. LIL Preview imageContributed to the #LIL by @borjan. LIL Preview imageContributed to the #LIL by @akukamaruzzaman. LIL Preview imageContributed to the #LIL by @artsugar. LIL Preview imageContributed to the #LIL by @seckorama. Thank you for all the images



I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
Translated with (free version)
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.
LMAC Community Banner
Screenshot taken by me
Mockups provided by Syndrome Design
All fonts used are commercially licensed and/or provided under a Creative Commons license. Provided by: Fontspace

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Passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day!

Art Diary
Art Diary

A personal journey through the world of art, exploring creativity and inspiration with every brushstroke.

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