Antarctica Conspiracy
Antarctica Conspiracy

Antarctica Conspiracy

Stunning news & revelations about the shocking events unfolding in Antarctica

Elon Musk confirms rumours about Conspiratopia

19 Dec 2021 1 minute read 0 comments conspiracy

(CRYPTO) Very rich tech bro Elon Musk today confirmed the rumours that have been swirling on Twitter about the secret messages contained within the book Conspiratopia, which Musk says is his favorite book of all time. According to this rich guy, both...

Right Wing Politicians Call For Conspiratopia Ban

26 Sep 2021 1 minute read 2 comments conspiracy

Has the World lost its Mind? It appears that certain right wing politicians in the United States are calling for a satirical book called Conspiratopia to be banned, because they fear that it will hurt the feelings of conservatives. What is this world...

Quorans Debate Quatria Theory (NEW)

2 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments conspiracy

(QUORA) - Many users of the popular website Quora have been debating the validity of the Quatria Theory, debunking claims a prehistoric civilization called Quatria once existed in Antarctica.

Was there really an ancient civilization in Antarctica?

22 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments conspiracy

(INTERNET) - According to online sources, there was an ancient civilization in Antarctica before the continent had frozen. Why is this being covered up by the MSM? The people have a right to know the truth!!