Arbitrum RPC Is Now Live on Ankr Protocol!

The Ankr Protocol’s public RPC toolbox continues to grow, and already we are releasing capability for another hotly anticipated project. Developers will now be able to access an Arbitrum Public RPC, make requests calls, and receive information returns that will mirror the results you would get by running an Arbitrum full node yourself.

What is Arbitrum?

Arbitrum has become one of the most interesting layer 2 projects of 2021 as it aims to resolve scaling challenges by working hand-in-hand with Ethereum dApps. Arbitrum bridges with Ethereum to take transactions to be settled off-chain, thereby taking a large burden from Ethereum’s overworked chain. With its swift transaction speeds of up to 4,500 TPS, Arbitrum is a great solution to build larger-scale applications while improving Ethereum’s speeds and easing gas fees.

Arbitrum offers incredible advantages for Ethereum ecosystem apps. However, it needs more developer resources to feed new builders and make it more convenient to create the highly scalable applications it promises to usher in. To cater to the thousands of new developers looking to work with Arbitrum, Ankr is providing a way they can easily contribute to this booming new network.

What is The Arbitrum Public RPC?

  • The Arbitrum RPC (Remote Procedure Call) connects your wallet, command-line interface, or dApp with the Arbitrum layer 2 solution. It acts as a messenger or blockchain router that relays on-chain information between nodes, apps, and ultimately end-users.
  • The Arbitrum Public RPC endpoint is the gateway for developers to interface directly with Arbitrum — a portal to communicate easily, remotely, and with no need to go through the DevOps of establishing your own Arbitrum node.
  • In essence, this is a public, geo-distributed, and completely decentralized Arbitrum RPC comprised of many independent blockchain nodes running worldwide.
  • It can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time, with no email signup, credit card, or other personal information.

How Will This Help Arbitrum Developers?

When looking to create a smart contract-enabled application, building with Arbitrum is an excellent component to speed transactions, but requires access to the information on Arbitrum nodes to do so. Therefore, Ankr’s RPC solves the following developer troubles:

  • Eliminates difficult node ops — As anyone who has tried knows, running a node is not always as straightforward as it seems. The Ankr public RPC will completely remove the need for many developers to set up their own Arbitrum node, removing hours of time spent building, calibrating, and fixing node issues.
  • Powers apps and open-source software that need access to Arbitrum — Connect with a cluster of nodes that holds the information you need to build dApps with Arbitrum chain capabilities to power services like MetaMask to execute tasks like crypto wallet transactions.
  • Supports the Arbitrum & Ethereum networks — Ankr’s Public RPC will speed the growth of the Arbitrum and Ethereum networks globally by offering easier development. Ankr will incentivize independent and enterprise Arbitrum node operators to add their nodes to the Public RPC in return for ANKR tokens, thus adding many additional Abritrum nodes to create a more powerful network.

Next Steps For Ankr RPC

So far, our public RPC has gained massive traction in the community of developers building on chains supported by our following selection of RPC endpoints:

Our Public RPC is just getting started, and we are planning to add capabilities for an ever-growing number of chains. By having so many developer access points and tools in one place, Ankr is providing a unique and important interface that will enable devs to build a truly multi-chain future. We have RPC capabilities in production currently for many more chains that will become available on our dashboard housing all our public RPC endpoints with one-click wallet connections, chain activity, analytics, and much more.

How to Make Your First Call to Arbitrum

Get started today, and head to the Ankr Protocol page to make your first call! You can use the URL: directly in your wallet, command-line interface, or application to call the Arbitrum chain using the standard EVM JSON RPC methods.

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