Ilgar Hajiyev, a prominent Russian real estate developer, created a helping Center for businessmen both holding digital assets and working in more traditional offline fields, who’ve experienced a corporate raid.
Mr. Hajiyev is a Russian and Azerbaijani businessman, who has successfully built millions of real estate square meters of living space in Russia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. He has lost his entire business after the conflict with the group of businessmen affiliated with the head of one of the law enforcement agencies and the Kremlin. After this conflict Hajiyev was forced to leave Russia at the risk of persecution.
A year ago, in London, Hajiyev founded his non-profit organization, which aims at fighting criminals and illegal actions against Russian businessmen. This Center was created to counter corporate raids in Russia and is aimed to be helpful for businessmen dealing with digital assets as well as for traditional offline business entrepreneurs. «The point is that there is no legal regulation of “corporate raids” in Russian legislation. That’s why there is a vast scope of opportunities for criminals in this field» – said Ilgar Hajiyev.
All raiding issues in Russia are classified by law enforcement as “competition of business entities for property”. Police services either don’t react to such claims of the businessmen on these raids or even participating in such on one of the sides. There are close to no lawsuits for raider seizures registered with the local Court, so all property goes to the side where Police are involved. This is how Putin’s Russia works.
That’s what Hajiyev says about reasons to create a Foundation: «I know firsthand how the business in Russia could be taken away. So if quite a well-known person can do nothing to save and protect his business – what could a regular entrepreneur do when he gets into a situation like this? For whom to rely on? Police? Especially when the police is on the thugs’ side.»
The main goal of the Foundation is to provide informational and legal support for entrepreneurs, who’ve faced a corporate raid. People, who have never been put in a situation of a raider seizure, commonly start to panic because they don’t know what to do. This is the case where Foundation’s specialists could help. «The thing is that it’s very important in Russia to make your problems media covered. In this case, you’ve got the chance even though your business is weak and small. And we’ve got a good relationship with plenty of Russian and international media, so it’s easy for us to make it big about one more raiding mess» – noticed Ilgar Hajiyev.
Center for Business Transparency and Countering Corporate Raids is also working outside of Russia – they cooperate with statesmen, politicians, journalists, and influencers from the EU and US. The goal of the Center is to get raided business back to its legal owner and since corporate raiding is not only a Russian problem but international, so communications should be the same too. One of the key measures in countering raiding is public awareness about this illegal practice and the harm it causes.
«When my business was suffered a corporate raid in Russia, there were more than 200 publications in various media, both first-line and local. This hoopla helped me to loosen Nisanov’s (ex-business partner of Ilgar Hajiyev – God Nisanov) and his mates’ grip, and draw high public attention to my case.» – added Hajiyev.
It's extremely important to inform the entire society about the enormous scale of the raiding problem, threats, and violence of raiders, and the effect corporate raids have on the business and civil world. It is only possible in close relation with the aforementioned officials, so the Center is heavily working in this direction. «We are holding conferences, seminars, symposiums, and other public and closed events to spread widely the information about facts of raiding in search of the ways to solve this problem. Our goal is to cease the practice of raiding and hostile takeovers» – concluded Foundation’s president Ilgar Hajiyev.
It should be reminded, that Ilgar Hajiyev, a Russian businessman of Azerbaijani origin, was forced to leave Russia after the conflict he had with his business partner God Nisanov. Mr. Nisanov, in turn, is closely affiliated with the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin. Mr. Hajiyev himself claims that millionaire God Nisanov is also very close to the family of Ilham Aliyev, the president of Azerbaijan. Moreover, Hajiyev is accusing the current Azerbaijani ambassador in Russia Polad Bülbüloğlu of corruption, whose son, Teymur Polad oğlu Bülbül, is taking on leading roles in Nisanov’s Kievskaya Ploshchad Group of Companies.
In Russia, Ilgar Hajiyev is best known for the series of scandalous exposures of the Sadovod – the biggest market in Europe, that also belongs to Nisanov’s entities. According to Mr. Hajiyev’s statements, this company's entities are used for laundering millions of dollars daily.
Moreover, Ilgar Hajiyev is also known for his calls for peace. During the summer 20202 ethnic conflicts of Armenian and Azerbaijani youth in Moscow, Mr. Hajiyev made an open appeal for peace and stated that clashes were inspired by owners of the Foodcity market, which is also a part of Nisanov’s business empire.