Yield Farming Is Fun. Using Ampleforth's (AMPL) Geyser Is More Fun & More Profitable

By Crypto FROG | DeFi Stuff | 1 Jul 2020

After years in cryptocurrency, no small market cap has excited me more than Ampleforth (AMPL).

It is DeFi's young prince in training to take the Iron Throne. It's a cutthroat game. Winner takes all.

AMPL is smart money. And it's where the smart money is pouring into right now. Especially now the Geyser is up-and-running.

Who is in the Geyser with me for the next 80+ days?

No? You should be.

If you have a spare 12 minutes, check out Part II of my videos on Ampleforth and you might change your mind.

This video delves more into the fundamentals of the project.

My YouTube channel is here - I am just getting started so each & every subscription is truly appreciated: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx8l7guk4wfu481pJs-uu1g/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptofrog202

See Part II of my Ampleforth video here:





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Crypto FROG
Crypto FROG

I make YouTube videos about all things crypto. I don't take myself too seriously. I DON'T do paid reviews, but I love this GAME! Lover of DeFi, but still attempting to get my head round it.

DeFi Stuff
DeFi Stuff

This is gonna be my DeFi section. All things DeFi for you lovely people!

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