Substantial reason

By Alther | Alther | 2 Mar 2022

Intellect is one of the advantages of humans given by God to his creatures. The human mind is different from other living things, such as animals and plants. The human mind can process patterns of life that are not based on instincts and circumstances. Think before you act, and act after you think.  

In the process of life, there is a learning process to increase knowledge of every journey of life. With learning, humans can increase their knowledge based on the thoughts of the reason that have been given by God. It is very different from the pattern of animal life as living beings who were created without reason.  

However, sometimes it is seen that humans go through the process of life like animals. Neither is modern society nor primitive or left behind. Mapping is created by humans themselves, and thoughts and judgments are also present by the archetypes that humans have created.



  Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay   

Above all, by grace, there are rules and signs. Signs are made to limit everything that can be said to be inconsistent and harmful to humans themselves. Unfortunately, all of this is often violated simply because the existence of humans who do not care about the existence of reason is actually created. Going against the flow and rebelling according to one's own thoughts forgets the initial rationale from which reason was created.  

Apart from the words lust and feelings. Taste is sometimes just a justification for the word thought. Logic is forced to accept the existence of thought. Yet clearly there is a limit where the mind can digest and can not digest. The limitation of global thinking and it must be admitted is that the limits of all thinking have limits. Power and strength and everything that is beyond reason certainly cannot be resolved by reason unless it is permitted by its Creator.  

The substantial reason should be put the words logic and non-logic in their place. Placing thought on knowledge, placing the basis of understanding on its condition, placing space in its layout. The truth will always be right, and wrong cannot be justified. Anything in excess is not good and something lacking is also bad. With the existence of a world that has been placed on a substantial opposite of the word. There are good and bad, there are men and women, and so on. So that substantial reason should also be placed on the same thought. There is an explanation and there is something that cannot be explained, there is a law which means that there is damage caused by it, there is a secret which means there is a meaning why it is kept secret, there is acceptance which means that there is a rejection of why it cannot be accepted.  

Substantial reason provides scope for humans to learn everything based on thought which can ultimately give good results. Not a bad result. The final word problem of regret is the consequence of mistakes due to thinking and acting. If not, then there will be no regrets, there will only be emptiness as a result of life walking on a monotonous result and has no two meanings as material for experience in the process of the human journey in life.  

To what extent does it place the existence of reason and thought. It depends on each human being who goes through the process of his life journey. The ranks of humans live based on gender, character, level, and up to environmental factors. Shaping will be every pattern in the substantial formation of reason which will be the basis of his thinking. From time to time, integrating conditions for each concept that applies in its era. Which at the endpoint comes back to consciousness when it takes the wrong thought to take.

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