Social beings

By Alther | Alther | 18 Jan 2022

We as humans are born with existence in an ecosystem that is located at the point of socialization. No matter how hard humans avoid or try to live ignoring the existence that has been outlined, they will not escape and will still return to the point of socializing.

The final level of social life is the endpoint of the existence of the family that surrounds us. A husband will need a wife, parents will need a child, an older brother needs a younger sibling, and so on. And this also applies to the opposite if it is expressed in terms of the word social. Moreover, it includes the path of human life that is lived. All there will be an answer point to the presence of need and need.


Image by Gennaro Leonardi from Pixabay

No matter how strong we as humans are, we cannot escape the need for mutual need. And indeed the level of the problem will always be present from the social existence. Can not be avoided. However, everything can be addressed so that the existence of the word needs as social beings can be fulfilled and lived well.


Talking about dealing with it, of course, is a common thing to be interpreted as being positive from every situation that occurs. Because indeed everything will not go smoothly as expected.

Many examples of dealing with anything bad will be said views or unwanted results. And that means it's really just a matter of positioning the readiness to accept everything that is done. Not giving up before doing, by making excuses for fear of incompatibility of all expectations.



Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Many things are certainly better than bad things, and by all means, there will be good and bad views even if it comes from something good. However, if it has been addressed in advance with a good view of cause and effect, naturally, it will not result in the word not accepting other people's bad views. Likewise with other things.


No one is perfect in the eyes of humans in general. Because every human being must have a point of weakness or deficiency for sure. In the end, the example of attitude creates an example to respond to and be addressed by oneself and others. This means the attitude to walk in accordance with the main thing first, namely to do everything with a good attitude and intentions. The final problem will certainly not be the same later, it is already in our hands and we don't expect too much for perfect results.


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