
By Alther | Alther | 29 Oct 2022

Strength is the ultimate weapon of all success. With power, it proves that anything that a person can do can be done. It is common for living beings that power is the ultimate holder of power. With the power, all the realms that exist are under his command.


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay 

Without comparing the various types of living things, the same is indeed proven, and many states that the problem of strength is the main chain for living things. Likewise, humans are part of the types of living things that exist in the world.

In human civilization itself the word power is a symbol of the might of a group to be a leader or the need to lead. At first, it may start in one direction only, which refers to physical strength, slowly shifts to mass power, and eventually develops with the word financial strength.

From the high point of government to the lowest point in the household boundary, the power of word power can actually have a big influence on the chain of human life. So that it creates the word acquisition and acquires a group, agency, or country.

Human history has never been separated from the problem of conflict that continues to repeat itself and occurs to this day. Where the language of the struggle for power tends to come from the existing conditions of power. And it can be interpreted that the level of power can be a view of the achievement of the language of power. War, coup d'etat, or other things become waypoints that are finally taken for the sake of the struggle for the language of power and power.

On the other hand, from the word this power can be taken from the things that are being talked about and have happened in the past few days. Where is the acquisition of Twitter which is now controlled by one of the richest people in the world? And from here, there is a fact that cannot be separated from the strong language of the power of power is the phenomenon of the dismissal of the previous Twitter bosses. Without reviewing the real purpose and intent, it is clear that with the power it can eventually happen.

That is the reality of the language model of output and power occurring and present. Without forgetting also the conditions of the war that occurred between Ukraine and Russia. Where the actual war is a matter of performance and the struggle for the power of each conflict is related.

If we think about it, it is very unfortunate if an achievement is only aimed at matters of dishonorable intentions, let alone carried out in an immoral way. But apart from that, history does record the true nature of humans themselves as the top of the food chain of existing living things. Barbarian behavior is difficult to let go of and will always be present in humans.


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