Looking for future stars

By Alther | Alther | 28 Dec 2021


Do not misinterpret if you read the title about the word looking for stars. What I want to look for in this article are crypto formations that are already present or created at this time. From the various forms of coins and tokens that exist, it becomes a search that is quite profitable in terms of profit. But still in the world if it's really his choice, hockey or luck also accompanies and the need for good research. So it's not based on a bandwagon, or just relying on luck.

In the future, there are now more choices for many people who play in crypto from the existence of problems with updates, trends, and a continuous market. Apart from the long-term and short-term problems, it seems that all of this also affects the choice of star seekers in the collection of thousands of cryptocurrencies that have been present.

Currently, smart contracts, DeFi, and Metaverse issues are the most frequently discussed issues. Its presence can not be separated from the problem of issues and the enactment of existing trends.

Apart from that, all aspects of blockchain that are carried are also the main things that are very popular with investors these days. Talking about blockchain systematics, of course, Ethereum, Cardano, Solana, and Polygon still be in the spotlight at the end of 2021.

Then moving on to the word DeFi, Yearn finance, Algorand and Avalanche are still the most prominent choices besides the many DeFis that are present today.

Another trend, after becoming a trend of metaverse problems since Facebook announced it would support this problem. The existence of tokens that support the existence of meaning a plate (not play) to earn is in the spotlight and the choice of many people to play and try to collect them. Tokens such as Axie Infinity, Sand, and Mana have become quite popular lately.

Meanwhile, the existence of tokens that are present in the stretcher of smart contracts in their respective ecosystems also leaves a lot of stories that are no less interesting than the others. As Shiba Inu is increasingly preparing its own ecosystem, Aqua's presence in the Stellar ecosystem, Eben's in the Ethereum, Binance, and Smartbch ecosystems are also still popular today.

Back to the title of looking for a star among the thousands of stars that have appeared and are in the spotlight in the crypto world for next year. As it is increasingly difficult to make a convincing choice to be a choice in the future. Not to mention the existence of market conditions next year after February is still a question of what will happen to the condition of Bitcoin after that. Will there be a massive correction and will there be one that can not be eroded by the existence of Bitcoin correction conditions that will occur later?



When it comes to major coins in the top 100, it seems that the bitcoin market, Ethereum, Binance, Solana, and others are included in the top 50 chart, which is still very promising indeed to be said as a long-term investment choice in the future. Meanwhile, in the short term, the situation cannot be predicted considering that crypto is now growing rapidly and has affected economic conditions. So legal and policy issues will be important in determining steps if we want to play with short-term conditions.

In addition, the existence of NFT, which is increasingly popular and creates its own market today. Various markets wrapped in blockchain are also now available to support the existence of the NFT market.

Perhaps what is being forgotten now is the p2p problem that prevails in the actual economic system. The average is still complacent in the language of the resulting magnitude value. When they stumbled on delivery or disbursement, they realized how big the fee problem was and the slow or difficult systematic transaction that took place.



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