Infected silent so blaring

By Alther | Alther | 13 Dec 2022

Entering the second week of December 2022, it seems quiet in every crowd. Crowded but did not sound like sweeping waves eroding the solid rock. Grains of sand are also carried away and drowned in the crush of salt water that is bound in the bonds of life's ups and downs.

Moving towards the end of 2022, welcoming a new year. Added 1 year back to the year of AD to 2023. This year's long journey carved various happy and sad stories that made new notes in the pages of life. Soft indeed, painful, and afraid that the decline that has been felt will not end.

From the window of the open room, it looks pensive a living creature facing the sky. Will it end or not end yet?

I don't know what was in his heart so he questioned the final problem in the order of the questioning language that was present. Do not have clear instructions about the clarity of where aims and objectives in question. Thus giving birth to asking again the purpose of the question created by his mind.


Image by Public Co from Pixabay 

On the other hand, there seems to be someone who smiles with a smile that can soften the hearts of everyone who sees his smile. That smile doesn't mean to give meaning to what happiness he feels. Only he is the one who understands the smile that was born from his sweet lips. Even so, it is still beautiful and enchanting to behold by everyone who sees it.
In a narrow alley, a group of small children can be seen running. Play without caring about what happens tomorrow. Streams of sweat-drenched their bodies, boisterous but peaceful felt. Do not give noise value to the existence of people around them. It seems that it actually gives a feeling of animating the atmosphere that at night it will be quiet if you cross this small alley.

A pair of lovers sit in front of their house which only contains an old bamboo hall. Filling each other with chatter that was born from their mouths. Renta is indeed a proper calling word for them to be called an elderly person. While waving a fan made of woven bamboo to drive away the scorching hot air that day. Lured by their affection for the word loyalty. Maybe it's hard to feel for every human being who has never felt the word loyalty.

These are just a few of the many things that humans do throughout their lifetime. There are many more stories that will be told if they are told one by one and put it in writing. However is definitely not like in a story, drama, or film. This is a real problem in the life of every human being, where the main actors are themselves, not other people. And if discussing existence as a whole, it can be said that there is no determination of the issue of who is the main character, who is the supporting actor, who is the stunt double, or who is the extra.

In real life, there will be no substitute for a role, because what is felt and lived is already a lifeline that cannot be avoided or represented.

Infected silent so blaring. Blazing in thousands of questions, thousands of dreams, and also thousands of hopes. The tense silence is not as tense as the situation, it is quiet in a state of uncertainty about what to do. Still hear the boisterous roar of life. Not imprinted in the atmosphere or existence, but will this silence be able to pass along with the answer that is actually being awaited?

This silence is not to seek peace but this silence is the result of the noise that was present at the time that was being passed.


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