Human darkness

By Alther | Alther | 24 Jan 2023

There is a famous work by a female warrior in Indonesia who gave birth in Jepara, named R.A Kartini. The work is a book entitled "Habis gelap terbitlah terang (After darkness comes light)." This in general explains the existence of the struggles of women who in the past were constrained by the problem of concern about the weaknesses of women so that it limited the factors in their life journey. Until finally it is recognized that the condition of the gender side is to be able to experience what is called education.

Education is indeed a bright light from the shadow of the problems of all sciences. With his education, the period which was known as a shadow vehicle for ignorance, illiteracy, and other problems related to science and learning.


Image by Deflyne Coppens from Pixabay


Indeed, the problem of manners has certainly been obtained by everyone in the formation of the family and environment. But the darkness of the dark side of the world will certainly always be there. Where that side is the residence of all ugliness and also ignorance. So that the level of destruction is very clearly seen on the side of the shadow vehicle.

On the other hand, the shadow vehicle, known as the bright side, may appear more beautiful and radiant. Where life is lived with the existence of morals and knowledge that has been imprinted and learned. Indeed, it will look different, especially when seen from the vocabulary of opposite words between dark and light. But that does not mean that it is the best place inhabited by the best people among the bad people.
Left behind or not left behind, in fact, in these two side rooms, there are still good and bad sides. Dark is not always bad and light is not always good. Because there is always a problem on the side of human lust and also the side of human patience.

After darkness comes to light as if explaining the desire of a human child to fight for his right to life. But unfortunately, it is not in line with the meaning after everything has been fought for as it should. Exaggeration still occurs where it violates nature and also other sides of the law.
But that is just one example of the outrage that a person strives for based on his noble goals. There are many actual things that can be said to have reached their true limits so that they are no longer in line with the original purpose of something that was fought for.

If humans are said to be the destroyer of the core of the living system, it is true. He folded his chubby hands after it was all achieved in their favor. As if releasing responsibility and laughing at the mistakes that have been made. If it is said that one human being will never be satisfied receiving from that one. Will look for the next goal to exist what about prayer?


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