How important is cryptocurrency in the eyes of the world

By Alther | Alther | 21 Dec 2022

The world economy rotates with the circulation of the existing currency. Where every form of transaction that exists as a fulfillment of the agreement as stated thousands of years ago will be considered valid after the payment method is held. Applicable and recognized payment methods have certainly been recognized globally as one of the economic strengths of a country in terms of the prevailing market share. To make currency the main value of a nation's axis.  

The currency that was formed and used over a period of many years has now been decorations with many obstacles due to various existing problems. Which creates great polemics and has never been resolved to date. Presenting the wheel of inflation repeatedly, cash transactions are difficult to track the government, creating money laundering rooms and criminal practices in other forms of money, creating conditions of alignment with one power such as the US dollar or Chinese Yuan, dependence on the World Bank or IMF which is ultimately binding, transfer large amounts of money is still very difficult and various other problems.  

Digital currency tries to be the answer to the problem conditions presented by a centralized physical currency in favor of a body that can set rules unilaterally. Stimulating many countries trying to move away from standard cash towards electronic payments and the digital economy. However, they are still experiencing many obstacles in various forms to try forms of creation that are tried via CBDC, but it still cannot be said to be as successful as the presence presented by cryptocurrencies to date.



Image by Petre Barlea from Pixabay   


Cryptocurrencies have a lot of value that cannot be denied as the best digital currency compared to other digital currencies. Where on the anonymous side, use on a large or small scale will always be detected in every transaction cycle that occurs, especially on the public data side in terms of the KYC crypto language. So that it can reduce the problem of forms of laundering that are rife, which in the end it will be easy to trace all forms of money crimes that exist.  

Cryptocurrency does not recognize the ownership of a country in the world. Comes with a stateless creation, thereby removing dependence on an existing single axis. The form of digital currency clearly makes it easier to carry currency in small or large forms.  

The transfer is no longer as difficult as transferring the standard physical currency that is commonly used. The durability of the security and the durability of form is more guaranteed than the physical currency which is prone to damage and theft.  

In the end, the answer to the main problems that exist has been answered by cryptocurrency to some of the main problems present by the use of physical currency or standards that have been used for a long time. Is it questionable how important is crypto currency in the eyes of the world? It is clear that the answer to this question has been obtained.  

And if it were poured out in detail, other small things that are clear and widely known would also be discussed, such as speed, low cost, global updating and development systems carried out by anyone giving good progress according to the times, and so on, it would fulfill and present such a long explanation will make it clear how important cryptocurrency is in the eyes of the world today.  

Peer-to-peer Electronic cash system clearly provides the best solutions and answers all the problems and challenges the world faces today.  



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