Fans or Hippies

By Alther | Alther | 26 Dec 2021

In every part of the world, there are so many likes that it is said to be a fan for something he likes. Things such as music, sports, artists, and even entering the financial world can be said to have also felt the realm of this problem.

Of course, to talk specifically about the financial realm about the existence of fanatical fans, which can be raised more widely, is the issue of the current existence of cryptocurrencies. With so many presences and growing rapidly, space is positioned as one of the assets that are quite popular today.

Back to the main words favorite and favored. With so many cryptocurrencies present, it also creates a space barrier for every fan. More precisely, a community that carries and becomes a gathering place for developers, supporters, and investors in it.

Of the three kinds of context in the form of communism. Supporters can be said to be the broadest coverage and the most mass of course. In terms of numbers, this creates its own sub-sub space in it. Which consists of true supporters, fans of the winds, and cheerleaders only.


True supporters can be said to be a collection of fans who are truly loyal to the name and proclaim the existence of what is their favorite cryptocurrency. Even in this group, they usually turn out to be in the position of developers, as well as investors in it, so it can be said that they are also fanatical supporters. Meanwhile, fans of the winds are supporters who like to be around when this popular cryptocurrency is booming or just soaring in value. It can't be said to be bound, but its existence is quite significant because with them it becomes more and more interesting to look at every time. And the third is the cheerleaders. A group that enlivens it but does not care about its existence or what it carries. Only busy following the trend blindly without caring about the circumstances or conditions that are happening. And if you think about it, it's actually more common these days, but at least they're still better than the parasites who just take advantage of the luck in a community for their own benefit.

Like a turbulent world, there are those who care and those who do not care that two different sides of a coin are born. There are fans there are also anti-fans. Anti or dislike usually has sharp connotations of being the enemy for anything that is popular in a popular community.


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