Embrace the glitter of cryptocurrencies

By Alther | Alther | 6 Apr 2023

A long story if told about the progress of crypto since its presence until now has become one of the iconic icons in hunting for the glitter of the world of money markets. Investing or just exploring to understand what still comes from the presence of crypto is the value of the benefits that can be achieved.

The classic story begins where humans plan but God's decree is still the provision. Nothing has changed and can be changed in terms of the form of the provisions that have been set.


The radiation and resistance of Bitcoin, the gleam of light from the existence of a digital coin that has no physical body but makes humans lulled by the image of how the invisible can be imagined like having the gleam of gold as a precious metal.

The ripples of this story begin and it might be difficult to say it reaches the end because it is still in its ongoing ripple period. Lulled and tempting, even if it's just a word crypto incarnated. Even though adoption is still said to be far away, it cannot be said that it has been adopted in various parties or in remote parts of the world. But at least the foam of the ripples has touched and caressed the ears of everyone in the world.

Courage, desire, curiosity, and love. An expression for everyone who wants to feel the hectic pace of the crypto world that has been running. It's tight, even though it's not completely crowded, but it's really stifling for those who have struggled in the conditions of the expanse of crypto screens across the world. It does not oscillate without direction, but is filled with forms of various flavors, passions roaring into one even though they are not swayed. Dreams that exist are the same, rich, rich and rich.

In the expanse of sails that continue to sail in the wind towards their true destination. Crypto is what some people rely on on their way to anchoring the word. Hugs after hugs kept coming even though the intended port was still far away to be said to have arrived at the destination. But every human being tries to hug to be able to feel the glitter of the resulting light.

For a moment wondering whether it would be possible to feel and become real? Where can feel the sense of happiness as dreamed. You don't need to repeat it even once, but it can give you happiness in the following days. It feels like a dream that is impossible to really feel, but still the dream continues to be in your thoughts. Belief is still growing, day by day without ever knowing when it will happen.


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