Easy things become difficult

By Alther | Alther | 25 Nov 2022

Behind the conditions of the problem struck as if going through everything that was originally easy became difficult. That's life. Where when problems approach the world that was so wide it feels narrow. The air that was so comfortable to breathe seemed suffocating. The usual knotted smile makes it difficult to create. To be able to sleep even for a moment is difficult even though my eyes have been closed for so long. The song of the birds that used to sound beautiful was deafening.

An ordinary mind can present common sense as if it cannot think, being shackled by thoughts to get out of existing problems. But it still can't be solved, instead, it narrows all the existing space, and weakens the existence of the forces that are present as if it were wasted. The more you think about it, the more difficult it is, and if left unchecked, you can't just let it go.

The problem becomes the main subject of the existing downturn. I don't know where the form of his presence is that clearly closes everything that is useful to everything that is not useful.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

It's not easy to let go of the problems that hit you all the time. Come does not know the time when it will come sometimes never give news when approaching. And the level does not know who you are and in what condition you are.

Everyone feels it, becomes a bitter memory but gives memories of the word experience. But when it comes, even though sometimes it has prepared for the arrival of the word problem, whether it's the same or different, it's still sometimes difficult to get through this period when it comes. The word experience is only an expression of mental readiness and self-condition readiness when facing it to be able to get out or be strong to wade through the words of the problem at hand. But sometimes it becomes a bitter memory to remember and sometimes it's somehow hard to forget even though the problem has passed.

The only thing that equals the expected presence is the word hope. Hope will end soon or be able to race against time when experiencing problems. The word happy is everyone's expression to feel again the world that is wide, beautiful, and peaceful. Hope will always be above the word hope itself. Hope seems to form a strength to be able to wade through, through, or face the problems at hand. Although in the end, it doesn't always end as expected, at least because hope can be passed in the end.

From hope to finally presenting the word believe, believing that surely everything will end even though you don't know exactly when it will actually end is self-reinforcement from the existence of problems. Because running cannot let go of the problem that is being faced even though life is free to be able to go anywhere. That's a matter of grabbing indiscriminately and will come to whoever he wants. As a symbol of the joy of achieving true happiness.


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