Correction before bouncing

By Alther | Alther | 19 Apr 2023

It's time for the correction to take effect again, in this case, of course, a correction to the form of price gains prevailing in the market. Crypto is without exception, which during this month has shown a positive phase in the market but actually cannot be said to be a value that can be set for the soaring of crypto in the future.

Crypto for the market is still affected by global economic conditions. Where it means following the conditions that occur in the economic world absolutely which still depend on the traditional economic conditions that apply to this day in society. A series of rules, events, and celebrations are also part of the ups and downs of the market.


Crypto cannot be said to be part of wider community adoption. Where in reality there are still many who are blind and don't know what crypto is in effect in today's world community. There is still a lot of struggle needed to make keipto a basic benchmark outside of the prevailing traditional economy. So that towards the end of this month crypto is still heavily affected by conditions of existence following generally accepted market rules, of course.

Apart from the question of when the crypto bounce occurred, it can only be linked based on the occurrence of the halving period that occurred in bitcoin as the main reference value in the crypto world independently.

However, if we look for values ​​other than those conditions, we cannot find the conditions for crypto bounce based on things from the crypto world itself. Because basically apart from halving bitcoin, crypto is correcting on the basis of traditional economic conditions that happen.



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