StartEngine Raises That Intrigue Us - January 2023

By davidgyoung | Alternative Investing | 16 Jan 2023

This is NOT investment advice.  Investing in startups is risky whether it is via StartEngine or any of the other platforms.  Liquidity may or may not be an option for an extended period of time. 

Let's see if we can toss out a few names on a monthly basis for people to debate and evaluate and see if this is useful. 

Here's a few that caught our attention based on seeking a potential "bet a little, win a lot" approach where we seek potential "winner takes all or most" outcomes.  We tend to focus on those and avoid battles with low barriers to entry UNLESS the firm is simply executing at a very high level and clearly advancing to a few different potential exits. 

First, a couple of recent posts here on this platform:

When Will Bitcoin For A Bottom?

The Submerge - Ether Merge Debacle

What Will It Take For A New Bull Market to Emerge


AtomBeam - probably the one we feel has the most explosive upside of all we have seen on StartEngine.  The pipes are clogged.  AtomBeam opens up the pipes for data transmission with no need to upgrade hardware.  LockHeed Martin loves it and DoD is beyond just the dabbling stage. 

TimePlast - Finally, the woke lunatic Climate Change Zealots and investors can align possibly.  Plastic that completely disintegrates in 60 hours or less.  They did a "test the waters" campaign and it maxed out quickly.  Whole bunch of plastic stuck in our oceans among other issues. 

SharkWheel - No reason to "reinvent the wheel huh".  Too late.  They already did.  Took a couple years to get their feet underneath them but now more orders coming in and a major breakthrough in the agricultural sector. 

FuelGems - Fuel efficiency value add.  Picking up wins and momentum.

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BTC since 2013. Investor. Entrepreneur. Always looking to learn and develop.

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