Bitcoin Is A Thing, And We Really Need A Thing Right Now . . .

By davidgyoung | Alternative Investing | 28 Dec 2023

Forgive us for the jejune title

Internet boom.

Internet bubble burst.

Internet apps boom (search, shop, email).

Real estate mini boom.

Real estate massacre great financial crisis.

Internet apps boom (social media, cloud, web services).

Real estate mega boom (draws in more investors flippers and buyers of rental properties).

Real estate crash.

Tech valuations crash.

Sensing a pattern?

Well, ask yourself where are we right now as a society?  What jolt of energy is out there NOW to give us all a boost and get the global economy revved up again and moving in the right direction?

What exists that is open and permission-less and easily deployed across the entire globe Is there a platform from which to launch a new, dare we say, growth bubble?

Wars and more wars.  The looming threat of AI both in terms of how useful it might be and what it might do to labor marketsWeakening economies with corrupt politicians leading desperate governments already up to their eyeballs in debt yet clinging to a fractured power base. 

Here's a few prior articles that either directly or indirectly discuss such issues:

How Will Janet Yellen Sell All This Debt?

The Fed WANTS Inflation - Yes, That Is Correct

Fidelity: Building on Bitcoin

Historically we tend to see these waves and booms and busts with NEW vectors and avenues emerging.  Is real estate going away?  Of course not.  But, did real estate already have its mega bubble and will it be the leading growth engine going forward?  That is a separate question.  Our bet is the new growth bubble is unique and distinct from ones we have seen previously. 

So, that's it.  That is the post.  Each can decide on their own what is out there NOW that could unify the world and set us on a sustainable path forward.

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davidgyoung Verified Member

BTC since 2013. Investor. Entrepreneur. Always looking to learn and develop.

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