Is it just me or is my phone eavesdropping on me?

By Lazy Bear | All in world | 21 Jul 2022

Yesterday I saw an article where they refute the rumor that supposedly phones and smart speakers are eavesdropping on us. It's all about contextual advertising, which is also completely impersonal.

But yesterday I also took an online drawing course on the topic "The human body". The format was in the form of a video conference and I did not type this topic into the search engine anywhere. I didn't receive a letter with a lesson plan. All I said out loud to my mom: "something I can't draw a human body." After 3 minutes, I opened the browser and I immediately received an advertisement for online courses on drawing the human body....

So really our phone doesn't eavesdrop on us as the media claim?

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Lazy Bear
Lazy Bear

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