A new potential crypto bomb is about to hit the market

By RvX | All about everything | 21 Apr 2022

NFTs from the Shihtzu Exchange are one-of-a-kind digital assets developed on the BSC network. They can range from video games and digital art to sports memorabilia and real-world assets.

The advanced capabilities of the Shihtzu Exchange token drive mass adoption of NFT Minting and Metaverse. The only currency in the universe will be $STZU. Scans, licensing, NFTs, and all payments in any direction are paid in $STZU. Shihtzu Exchange is on a mission to transform the world through financial, technical, and perceptual endeavors, with the goal of eventually populating the next generation.   There are different packages that you can purchase, the minimum one costs only 50USDT, with a lockdown of 9-12 months, and the total yield is from 7-9% APY

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Cool guy, but do i look like a guy that has a plan in his life???

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