May Payouts: Over $12600 - With $6500 in BCH!

By Bitcoin Aliens | Alien Apps | 2 Jun 2020

In May we’ve paid out a total amount worth OVER $12,600 - this averages out to more than $3000 per week across our suite of crypto apps!

As per our announcement last month about the new features coming to Free Bitcoin Cash and Free Litecoin, we have now rolled this out to all of our users so you should now all be able to claim even more crypto!


Free Bitcoin Cash

Last month was even better than April, our previous highest month- with a total of $6500 in BCH given away - or 25+ BCH!

The rollout for new features on Free Bitcoin Cash is now complete so you should all be able to claim more, from more offer walls!


Free Litecoin

Last month we gave away 119LTC to our audience - this is a big improvement over April’s total amount given away and is still worth $5200!

Free Bitcoin / Alien Run / Blockchain Game

Usually we pay out substantially less on our suite of games that pays in Bitcoin as we pay out via CoinBase’s API which requires a high minimum transaction fee. Even though this is still the case, we’ve paid a great $870 on our Bitcoin apps to our users!

As always you can download all of our apps right here and start earning in BTC, BCH and LTC!

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Bitcoin Aliens
Bitcoin Aliens

We make the best free crypto apps: Free Bitcoin Alien Run Free Bitcoin Cash Free Litecoin (coming soon!)

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A blog for all the latest news and info from the Alien Apps team. Giving away free crypto on mobile since 2015!

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