Reddit Rabbids Free NFT Series

Reddit Offers Free Reddit Rabbids NFT Collection

Reddit is back with another free NFT collection entitled Reddit Rabbids, and they are going fast! In fact, at the time of writing, all but one of the NFT options are sold out, with about 50K of the last remaining NFT (Knight Rabbid) left to claim.

What Are Reddit NFTs?

If you're not familiar, Reddit profile NFTs are offered for free occasionally; in the past, they've sometimes offered a run for various sports events (like the Superbowl and World Cup), while others just seem to be a bit more whimsical. In any case, Reddit is currently offering users a chance to snag a new NFT from their latest series, 'Reddit Rabbids.'

How Do You Claim Your Reddit NFT?

To claim yours, either click on the notice you may have when you log into your Reddit app, or click on your avatar in the Reddit mobile app twice (once to open the side bar, then again on your enlarged avatar to open the shop explorer.) Under the 'Explore' tab, you'll see the Reddit Rabbid series close to the top of the list. Choose which one you'd like, click "Get Yours,' and you're done! Two notes, however: if you haven't claimed an NFT before you'll most likely be prompted to create your Vault (which is Reddit's version of a NFT wallet, so treat it and your recovery phrase with the same level of secrecy and privacy you do for your other wallets); also, I've noticed that there's often a delay with the NFTs I've claimed showing up in my vault. If you don't see yours right away, it might take up to half an hour for it to finally show in your account.

Can You Transfer Your Reddit NFT to Another Wallet?

Yes! Reddit NFTs are built on Polygon, so you will need a little bit of $MATIC to cover gas fees. Currently, there is a $MATIC faucet running specifically to help with Reddit gas fees. You can check out this excellent explainer post on Reddit, and follow the link to claim yours. Currently, you can't see your $MATIC balance in your Reddit vault, but you can always check your balance by entering your Reddit vault address on PolygonScan. (I've also noticed a slight delay in the $MATIC showing up under my address after using the faucet, so give it a few minutes after claiming.)

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out

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