Altitude Testnet Rewards

Did You Participate in the Altitude Testnet? You Might Have an NFT Waiting

Altitude, an omni-chain bridge dApp built on LayerZero, recently concluded their testnet activities in preparation for their public sale starting August 22nd. For users who made transactions on the testnet, there was a Twitter announcement last week that testers who made multiple transactions on Altitude's testnet could potentially qualify for a large NFT airdrop as a way of rewarding users for their time.

I personally had hopped on the Altitude testnet party late, but since I still did make a fair amount of testnet transactions, I went ahead and checked my stats on the linked site,, and found...that none of my transactions had been recorded. After perusing the comments on the announcement Tweet, I found that I was not alone - but after a few days no real response was coming from the platform, so I wrote it off and moved on.

So imagine my surprise when I got an email from yesterday informing me that my new credential (aka the Altitude reward NFT) was available. It looks like Altitude and Gateway have fixed the problem users like myself were having, so if you were also a testnet user whose transactions originally didn't get recorded (or, a user who participated and simply missed the announcement), head over to Gateway to claim your NFT.

Claiming is easy and free, though not necessarily straightforward. Make sure your connected wallet is on the Polygon network, and then once navigating to your "credential," the "mint NFT" button should appear for you. Once you click on that button, it seems like nothing happens - no wallet interaction takes place on the user end. Instead, the NFT minting gas fees are apparently paid for by Gateway, and the NFT will appear under your address on Polygonscan within a few minutes.

Even though I started late with testing Altitude, I made 20 transactions and still qualified for the Bronze level NFT - so it didn't take much for testers to qualify to snag one of these three NFTs.

Did you participate in Altitude's testnet? Check now to see what level you scored and grab your free commemorative NFT!

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out

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