CoinGecko NFT Airdrop for Decentraland

CoinGecko Airdrop: Decentral Games ICE Poker Wearable NFT

Happy humpday, Publish0x readers! This morning I woke up to the announcement on Twitter that CoinGecko is offering another airdrop in exchange for their 'candies,' this time for a limited edition GeckoTerminal x Decentral Games ICE Poker Tournament wearable NFT.

You can grab your free NFT for 300 candies (free users) or 250 candies (premium users). If you participated in CoinGecko's last airdrop for Access Protocol, the redemption instructions are similar. Once you spend your candies, you'll get a one-time use code. Copy that code and click "Use" and you'll be taken to the Google Form to enter your email, code, and ETH wallet address.

Decentral Games builds games that give players economic freedom through aligned incentives, self-custody and delegation of yield-bearing metaverse assets. The NFTs in this offer are "Tournament Wearables" that allow you to play at and they're also wearables you can put on in Decentraland. - CoinGecko

This giveaway is going on until March 22nd, and NFTs will be airdropped on March 23rd.

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out

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Entertainment Technology Specialist. Digital Marketer. Crypto-curious. Avid hiker. Beer aficianado. Blogger. Muralist. Dachshund mom. Opinions are my own. Read my personal blog at

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