Blockstack Airdrop $1 BTC for register (Keybase similar)

By Cryptoibz | Airdrops Cryptoibz | 24 Nov 2019

Blockstack implements a decentralized DNS system that gives its users control of their identity and data & have an ecosystem of blockchain apps. Have over 100 independent apps on their platform. Basically is a new decentralized network that uses Bitcoin technology where we are more free. Is the NEW INTERNET!!.

Now, similar as keybase, is making an airdrop of a $1 in BTC per registration + $1 in BTC per referral. The reward will be received every week in your Blockstack wallet (every Sunday).

Claim your $1 here 👉


1. Register on the website via link above.

2. Enter your phone number to text verification code.

3. Create a new Blockstack ID.

4. Enter your BTC Blockstack address and click "Next".

5. Copy your referral link.

6. Complete your ID adding your BTC & ETH external addresses.

7. Prove your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Github, Linkendl or HackerNews account to SOCIAL LEVEL up (connect at least 2 social accounts).

8. Wait your reward every week 💸💸.

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