Ultimate AI Toolkit: +70 the best AI Tools

By PiotrMacai | Ainsider | 5 Nov 2024

+ AI tools which can replace the whole team of digital specialists:

1. Research

- ChatGPT
- Claude
- Copilot
- Gemini
- Abacus
- Perplexity

2. Image

- Fotor
- Dalle 3
- Stability AI
- Midjourney

3. CopyWriting

- Rytr
- Copy AI
- Writesonic
- Adcreative AI
- otio

4. Writing

- Jasper
- Jenny AI
- Textblaze
- Quillbot

5. Website

- 10Web
- Durable
- Framer
- Style AI
- Landingsite

6. Video

- Klap
- Vidnoz
- Opus
- Eightify
- InVideo
- HeyGen
- Runway
- ImgCreator AI
- Morphstudio .xyz

7. Meeting

- Tldv
- Otter
- Noty AI
- Fireflies

8. SEO

- VidIQ
- Seona AI
- BlogSEO
- Keywrds ai
- Seona

9. Chatbot

- Droxy
- Chatbase
- Mutual info
- Chatsimple

10. Presentation

- Decktopus
- Slides AI
- Gamma AI
- Designs AI
- Beautiful AI
- PopAi

11. Automation

- Make
- Zapier
- Xembly
- Bardeen

12. UI/UX

- Figma
- Uizard
- UiMagic
- Photoshop

13. Design

- Canva
- Flair AI
- Clipdrop
- Autodraw
- Magician design

14. Logo Generator

- Looka
- Designs AI
- Brandmark
- Stockimg AI
- Namecheap

15. Audio

- Lovo ai
- Eleven labs
- Songburst AI
- Adobe Podcast

16. Startup

- Tome
- Ideas AI
- Namelix
- Pitchgrade
- Validator AI

17. Productivity

- Merlin
- Tinywow
- Notion AI
- Adobe Sensei
- Personal AI

18. Social media management

- Tapilo
- Typefully
- Hypefury
- TweetHunter

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