11 new & powerful AI Tools added to Insider AI Library

By PiotrMacai | Ainsider | 15 Oct 2024

Here’s overview of last powerful AI Tools added to Insider AI Library.
Time is the money, that don’t waste them and go straight to the details:


EachLabs provides UI workflows for AI video models, offering a user-friendly interface to manage and automate various video generation tasks, leveraging powerful AI models.
Details: https://ainsider.tools/tool/eachlabs/
Url: https://www.eachlabs.ai/

Dreamina AI

Dreamina AI is an AI video generation app from Bytedance, enabling users to create high-quality videos powered by advanced artificial intelligence technologies.
Url: https://jimeng.jianying.com/


Syllaby allows users to create faceless videos and reels in seconds, making it an ideal tool for quick, anonymous video content creation with minimal effort.
Url: https://syllaby.io/


Dzine is a powerful AI-powered image generation and editing tool that assists users in creating, manipulating, and refining images with advanced AI capabilities.
Details: https://ainsider.tools/tool/dzine-ai/
Url: https://www.dzine.ai/

Whisper Web

Whisper Web brings ML-powered speech recognition directly into your browser, offering efficient and seamless transcription or speech-to-text functionalities.
Url: https://github.com/xenova/whisper-web/tree/experimental-webgpu


Aider is an AI agent designed to assist programmers directly in their IDE terminal, providing intelligent support and recommendations to boost productivity in coding tasks.
Details: https://ainsider.tools/tool/aider/
Url: https://github.com/Aider-AI/aider

Nvidia NVLM

Nvidia NVLM is a powerful large language model from Nvidia, offering advanced natural language processing capabilities for various AI-driven applications.
Details: https://ainsider.tools/tool/nvidia-nvlm/
Url: https://huggingface.co/nvidia/NVLM-D-72B


Clickup is a robust CRM and project management software designed for efficient business and marketing automation, helping teams streamline processes and improve productivity.
Details: https://ainsider.tools/tool/clickup/
Url: https://clickup.com/

Flux Lora Lab

Flux Lora Lab provides a Huggingface space with a collection of high-quality Flux.1 LoRA’s (Low-Rank Adaptations) for AI image generation, enabling users to experiment and create stunning visual content.
Details: https://ainsider.tools/tool/flux-lora-lab/
Url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/multimodalart/flux-lora-lab


Bolt is a platform where you can prompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web applications, simplifying the development and deployment of web apps with AI integration.
Url: https://bolt.new/

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