How I made about 90 dollars in 2 weeks completing surveys

By aflyn | aflyn | 17 May 2020

inbox dollars payment

This is a blog about earning money through side hustles to achieve financial freedom.

Do you know that you can earn money by fulfilling various tasks on your computer, tablet or phones? While there are many spam and illegitimate sites out there that promise this, I have personally used this platform called inbox dollars. You could earn money by completing surveys, playing online games, participating in daily quizzes among many other tasks. 

The photo at the beginning of my post is my account payment page. I was able to achieve this in two weeks - an already requested payout of $53.47, and $34.90 not yet requested.

Truth be told, it is not easy to earn that much in two weeks. On the average, most people would make about 30 dollars a month. That amounts to about 360 dollars a year. That money could help with expenses like gas for your car in a month, or additional cash to make a minimum credit card payment for the the month. Not bad at all! If you are like me you could put in more effort - complete several surveys, doing more tasks - and make up to 5 dollars everyday. It's worth the extra cash in this troublesome time of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Better still, you could earn much more by referring your friends. You get 1 dollar each for your first 5 referrals, and 30% of the lifetime earnings for ALL referrals, increasing your earning considerably. The more you refer, the more you earn.

It is easy to request payouts via PayPal.

How to join

1. You can use the referral link below, and get rewarded with 5 dollars immediately to get you started.

2. You can click HERE to register.

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