Meow Communication, meow

By kubo kazuya | About Japan en | 27 Dec 2024


Boss: "You need to finish the documents by today, meow."

Employee: "I didn't hear that, meow. I have personal matters, so I'm going home, meow. Please let me know in advance next time, meow."

Boss: "It's common sense to finish this amount of work by today without being told, meow."

Employee: "If you don't say it, how can it be understood, meow? I'm not a mind reader, meow."

Boss: "Even if you're not a mind reader, you should understand, meow. It's common sense, meow."

Employee: "Which is more effective for smooth communication, meow: saying it or not saying it? It's your fault for not communicating, meow."

Boss: "Just get it done, meow."

Employee: "I'm clocking out, meow. Please be more careful next time, meow."


A conversation that should have been tense became milder, meow.

Is it just me, or does it feel like I can express my opinions to my boss more easily with "meow"?



↓ Talking about How to Reprimand, meow!

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kubo kazuya
kubo kazuya

About Japan en
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