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Did DAI Die?

By 180Levels | 180 - Crypto Thoughts | 20 Nov 2024

MakerDAO is rebranding from DAI to Sky and USDS

Rune Christensen, Founder of MakerDAO, says this rebrand is to make the service more accessible and safe for the more average consumer - "it feels more like a game rather than boring online banking." in and interview with Empire on YouTube.

Users of DAI won't be forced to switch to USDS. The two stablecoins will essentially live side by side. I haven't seen anything different so I assume MKR is still going to be around as well.

My opinion

This could be really good, considering they aren't forcing users to make the switch. I would like to get involved and risk a little to see just how this change could affect the Maker service.

Let me know how your thoughts, especially if you currently use MakerDAO or plan to start using Sky.

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Hi. I make music and stuff. Peace

180 - Crypto Thoughts
180 - Crypto Thoughts

The crypto world changes so often and I enjoy following the ones I can keep up with. Aside from Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple, my most favored currencies and technologies to follow are Solana, Polygon, Optimism, IOTA, Iotex and many more. Not sure how to feel about memecoins yet but DOGE might do interesting things with recent political developments.

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