My End of Year 2020 Blogging Income Report

By 0fajarpurnama0 | 0fajarpurnama0 | 5 Jan 2021


Animation Source Code

Content Creation



  • LBRY : LBC 14 ≈ $ 1.6


  • Filearmy : BTC 0.00000009 ≈ $ 0.002

Personal Monetization

Common Tasks



  • Survey, faucet, etc.: $ 0


Currently the quantity is too much to handle when the value I earned is not much. So I may report this on a separate article.

December 2020 Income ≈ $ 88

Grade: D

Income Before Full Time Blogging


I already started blogging before last October, however it was not yet a profession but a hobby that I got the chance to do in my spare time which is hard to retrack of how much I earned. I remembered that my first earnings are in Steemit and Hive but I included them in my October report since it is hard to retrace the previous earnings. It is safe to assume that I my earnings before are only from Publish0x. So my lifetime earning there are $325.59 + 152.31 (loopring seemed to be excluded in the stats) = $488. My October, November, and December income from Publish0x are $45.52 + $35.53 (Farm excluded) + $51.5 = $132.55. So my earnings before full time blogging is $488 - $133 = $355. Do not be surprised, that was an earning starting from March 2020, therefore in average is $355 / 7 months = $50 a month and should be far less if I cashed out back then because it was the bear market.

Personnal Comments

  • Before full time blogging, I already published my most important contents related to my Masters and Doctoral and today I almost finished everything regarding my Bachelors. Just a few left to publish online and to publish assignments during my Masters and Doctoral.
  • I finally wrote detailed articles regarding my videos such as Upgrading Moodle, and Playstation Emulators and Android Emulators & Operating Systems in Debian Based Linux. Many left to write.
  • Hopefully, I get to finish my first cryptocurrency book as well.
  • If things goes well, I want to continue this as my career where I will articles on anything that have referrals and detailed stories about video games I played.
  • If I succeeded, I have more books I wanted to write.



Publish0x Earnings


Blurt Earnings


Hive Earnings


Steemit Earnings


Filearmy Earnings


LBRY Earnings


Coinimp Earnings


Bittube Airtime Earnings


Netbox Browser Rewards

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I'm a content creator who is interested in financial freedom, decentralization, internet, computer, censorship resistance, unconfiscateable, cryptocurrency, monetization, passive income, and referrals.


This blog contains all my articles of various categories which I will separate in the future once a category becomes big. This blog along with other online contents are licensed under creative commons attribution customized sharealike (cc-by-sa) where I Fajar Purnama as the creator customized the ShareAlike (sa) license here where you are also allowed to sell my contents but with a condition that you must mention that the free and open version is available here.

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