accounts on company profile

How to Support Crypto Social Media Torum on Other Platforms

By 0fajarpurnama0 | 0fajarpurnama0 | 19 Jan 2021

As much as you like Torum, you are probably also on other platforms. Well Torum also have accounts on multiple platforms. In my previous post, I recommend that you should follow the founders and ambassadors first. In this post, I add to also follow Torum on other platforms as well. Here are the information available on their company profile:

platform interaction By supporting their other accounts will increase their presence on other platforms and thus attracting more users to Torum and help it grow. So, how can you support them?

  1. Just following those account is already a great support.
  2. Like posts that you like and if you liked them very much, share the post, and if you have time, make a comment.
  3. Mention them and use hashtags if you are writing posts related to them or when replying or commenting on others' posts.
  4. If you are a content creator, cite/quote their posts, link to their post, and if you have full access to HTML and JavaScript, embed their posts.
  5. Do you know that on Medium, you can submit your stories to their publication?


I am also on other platforms where they are not at. I will list them here for them if they want to expand in the future:

torum ambassador 0fajarpurnama0 I am writing this article as Torum ambassador @0fajarpurnama0. Even if I'm not an ambassador, I will still be writing these articles but with a different time frame, maybe once a month or three months? I hope to see you soon in Torum:

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I'm a content creator who is interested in financial freedom, decentralization, internet, computer, censorship resistance, unconfiscateable, cryptocurrency, monetization, passive income, and referrals.


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