Creating Strong Passwords

By 0fajarpurnama0 | 0fajarpurnama0 | 5 Apr 2020

Why a strong password is needed?

Simple answer: to prevent being hack (easy password can be hack using bruteforce method). For example

Elaborated answer: to prevent unintended access to your accounts because:

  • The can lock you out from your own account.
  • Impersonate you like in social media to destroy your reputation.
  • Steal confidential information or at least your privacy.
  • Steal your funds if you have some sort of electronic money.
  • In summary, lose everything electronically and maybe even worse as time passes.

Check your email whether it has been pawned or not:

In my opinion a strong password:

  1. Contains small letters (a,b,c,d...).
  2. Contains capital letters (A,B,C,D...).
  3. Contains numbers (1,2,3,4...).
  4. Contains symbol ($,<,>,?,+,+...).

For additional super strong password:

  • More than 6 characters.
  • Symbols not on keyboard (ALT+1265=±).
  • Words not in dictionary.
  • Starts with symbols.
  • End with symbols.

Password Example

Example of strong password: My8.oP.

Example of super strong password: ╥F0r.m3-w4T1ng<f0R>YoU╝

If you doubt your previous password, check them whether they have been pawned or not: If you are sure, then don't bother because by putting it will add your password to the website's database or cache.


Although you have a strong password, it does not protect you from social engineering. For example, clicking on a suspicious link, opening a suspicious attachment, running a suspicious programming, entering your password on a fake login page because you didn't double check the link, etc. This is because you are giving your password to them, in other words, they don't need to guess.


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