Elon Musk Helps BTC Moon

What Do You Think About Tesla Buying BTC?

Be honest, what do you think will happen when he decides to sell? How will it effect the market? 
I’m personally holding onto my bitcoin even though I bought it at 10,580$ back in 2020, but do you think I should sell due to Tesla buying all that bitcoin? It could easily effect the market in a really bad way, I’m just not sure if it’s the wise choice to hold on until 50K or 100K.

What about you? Do you think it’ll effect the market in a bad way or a good way? 
I mean, sure, it added 5k onto the price of bitcoin, but what’ll happen if more billionaires decide to get a bit of the dough? 
feel free to add your comments, I’m interested In knowing your guys’ opinions.

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The Elon Effect Boosts Bitcoin to 45K
The Elon Effect Boosts Bitcoin to 45K

Bitcoin Reaches a record breaking high when Elon musk decided to invest 1.5 Billion USD into the bitcoin market on Sunday. Most people would get shocked when they woke up to find bitcoin reaching record breaking highs all due to Elon musk and the power he poses over the crypto currencies in today’s world. This good news also comes with some bad news, if Elon musk decides to sell the 1.5 Billion in Bitcoin, it will most likely plummet a few thousand dollars which could be detrimental to many investors.

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