S01P06: Slime Rain Event help me as well creating my social media content

By Pawel23 | TerrariaDiary | 19 Feb 2023

The last time I show you the first Event in Terraria in Video format.  This time next Event, where we have Event and Boss on the end at the same time. "Slimes" are one of the most popular Enemies in Terraria. You fight with them from the beginning and you have contact with them during the day. We have also an Event, where we have more Slimes and a "King Slime" Boss at the end. Like in the last post (Episodes 4 and 5), I created a video and published it in the Youtube/Odysee portals.

This video is part of a mini-series, where I jump in to create social media materials for an Event in Katowice. In the first one, I showed you a video and described how I used Terraria for creating materials for social media.

Please remember, that I have a skilled character, and such event like Slime Rain is one of the easiest. For a new player, it can be a bigger problem. 

In the next episode, I will back to the normal series and share my progress in my traditional game World. As I published unplanned two episodes with Events and my buildings for social media purposes playing the role of Boss/Enemy Arenas as well. I will show you my normal Arenas.


Video is available in Odysee: https://odysee.com/Terraria-Slime-Rain-Event:f93829284b902d67e053bae072e159a76c20a940

If you are not using Odysee yet. You can register with my referral link:


If you would like to watch it just on Youtube: https://youtu.be/FhM_cyL4k8o  (I hope the link will be valid. I have a problem with Youtube when using jingles from iMovie.)

This time missing a screenshot as Events is better to track with the video.

S01P0X ) - means Season 1 and Post X. I will be publishing less/more of this as Seasons. As usual, we have some time more free time, then we have more time to play a game and prepare materials, and less free time, then we have a break. That is why a natural consequence is to follow the TV-Series approach and make it "Seasons". I hope you like it!

If you are interested in more, please follow my profile for getting updates.

All our Terraria resources I am gathering here with all available quick links. (Today updated)


Own, a screen created from my game edited with Canva Tool.

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Blogger, Investor. Main Topics: Investing, Travel, Games.


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