S01P04: Making off: How I used Terraria for creating materials before visiting conference

By Pawel23 | TerrariaDiary | 11 Feb 2023

Today practice posting and video to show you how I used and you can use Terraria to create more creative posts on Social Media. I was visiting Today's IEM Katowice Event. (If you do not know it, I have a plan to post a separate post about this event)

This is my first try to build something like that. And it was more spontaneous. I hope you like it nevertheless. 


Making Off Video you can check here in Odysee:


If you are not using Odysee yet. You can register with my referral link:


If you would like to watch just on Youtube: https://youtu.be/QxMIy5_uYDE (I hope the link will be valid. I have a problem with Youtube, when using jingles from iMovie.)


If you are not like Videos, you can check the final effect here:



*S01P0X ) - means Season 1 and Post X. I will be publishing less/more of this as Seasons. As usual, we have some time more free time, then we have more time to play a game and prepare materials, and less free time, then we have a break. That is why a natural consequence is to follow the TV-Series approach and make it "Seasons". I hope you like it!

If you are interested in more, please follow my profile for getting updates.

All our Terraria resources I am gathering here with all available quick links. 


Own, a screen created from my game edited with Canva Tool.


Images are reposted and I am allowed to use them here as well and I am the original author. 

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Blogger, Investor. Main Topics: Investing, Travel, Games.


Free Time project, where we share our progress with development our world in Terraria.

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