
90 Articles 0 Followers

MigasCoin (MIGA): SLP token for PanXCafé | Preview.

17 Mar 2020 1 minute read 2 comments ramonoropeza

Gamification in marketing consists of applying concepts and dynamics typical of game design in order to stimulate and make user interaction more attractive. It uses the natural human predisposition towards competition and gaming to make certain tasks...

Implications of living in a Failed State in everyday life? My case as an entrepreneur (Response to Bragato18).

11 Mar 2020 3 minute read 2 comments ramonoropeza

Since the death of former President Chavez, Venezuela has become a total institutional disaster. Currently there are: Two Heads of State (Executive Power) but living in the same National Assembly (Legislative Power). Although the other powers (Judici...

Undertake from scratch in Venezuela | HELP ME TO PROMOTE THIS PROJECT.

3 Mar 2020 2 minute read 6 comments ramonoropeza

Starting a business should not be easy anywhere in the world, and do it from scratch much less. But doing it in the country with the highest hyperinflation in the economic history of the planet, with a high index of product shortages and general impo...

The Venezuelan state cryptocurrency is already a victim of inflation, the petro struggles to stand alone

24 Jan 2020 2 minute read 4 comments Roberto D.

It is not good news, neither for Venezuela nor for the cryptocurrency community, we will see later why, the fact is that, as reported by some Venezuelan users on Reddit, the PTR, the state stablecoin anchored to the price of oil, would already be suf...

Venezuela launches a real casino in cryptocurrencies, great controversy in the community

22 Jan 2020 2 minute read 2 comments Roberto D.

This was announced by the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, on Friday; the Hotel Humboldt, located in the Ávila National Park, will see the first international casino in the world that will operate with cryptocurrency and, of course, with Petro...

The biggest revolution of our life - cryptocurrencies ! versus MMT & Warren Buffet

15 Jan 2020 3 minute read 0 comments Dave Sawyer

Hey crypto coin fans we love ya !   Why ? because you are the real revolutionaries of this century.  Not antifa, not populists - altcoin believers.   Separating money from the state may be bigger than getting the church out of the state.    It is dee...

See How STEEM Is Making Christmas A Little Bit More Special For Children In Venezuela

19 Dec 2019 1 minute read 0 comments AtomCollector

I wanted to share with you a message I just received from @fundakantoria relating to the STEEM and Steem Engine tokens that were raised during our charity day. As you can see STEEM can be used as a force for good right now! It's never to late to se...

Venezuela will offer Petro as Christmas Gift to Public workers.

18 Dec 2019 1 minute read 1 comment alberdioni8406

Venezuela Public workers will get a Christmas Bonus of 0.5 Petro that is more than a salary ($10) in the Country. Petro is quoted at $60,so 0.5 Petro is $30 and that bonus will help a lot of Public workers in the country that could have the opportun...

Cryptocurrency, Venezuela is ready to pay 8m of thirteenth in Petro, the country's CBDC linked to the production of crude oil

17 Dec 2019 2 minute read 0 comments Roberto D.

That the Venezuelan government was willing to invest heavily in petro, the CBDC guaranteed by the production of crude oil in the country, was a well-known fact, as we have known for at least a month of the intention to pay the thirteenth with this ne...

First embedded musicoin player - Crypto For Venezuela with Samprock

10 Dec 2019 4 minute read 0 comments Lorenzo The big Brain

Hi here Lorenzo Italian Romantic SongWriterI would like to share with you my experience about blockchain monetization. I jumped into the blockchain mouvement starting from Musicoin, my first love.And I really was able to go forward on my music pr...