
70 Articles 7 Followers

Contest #SwitchToBrave for all the publish0x.com authors took place from 12th to 23rd of August 2019. The winning (and best) articles of the SwitchToBrave contest can be seen here.

The idea of #SwitchToBrave is to showcase your experiences after switching to Brave with our community and provide a reasoning why you decided to ditch your previous browser. It does not matter if you are a beginner or a crypto veteran, everyone is warm welcomed! 

Find more details on: https://www.publish0x.com/publish0x-official-blog/200-bat-publish0x-writing-contest-switchtobrave-xvylrp


If you haven't yet, grab the Brave Browser from here.

Brave Browser, a new way to understand the Internet with blockchain technology.

13 Aug 2019 1 minute read 2 comments yonilkar

  The Internet has become in part of our lives and it's even an human right.Millions of people around the world are in connection constantly, sharing, posting, streaming, and reading content day by day. The most common way of use the Internet is thro...


13 Aug 2019 2 minute read 1 comment Alphainitial

                     SWITCH TO BRAVE Bowser apps make surfing the internet possible,easier and fun.Considering it doesn't use to be so in times past before I knew girls were not just playground companions.. Remember when this icon was your only wind...

Why SwitchToBrave Browser? Simple: my laptop doesn't crash so much!

13 Aug 2019 2 minute read 1 comment daniejjimenez

There has been much talk about how great Google was with its search engine and the disruptive benefits that its browser brought at the time when about 20 years ago it was only possible to obtain unsuccessful and late results in search engines such as...

Why switch to Brave Browser is a good choice?

13 Aug 2019 1 minute read 2 comments Thiago Capuano

It's no secret that Brave Browser was built on the core Chromium, an open source version of the Google Chrome browser, which already provides native features of Chrome and allows for the implementation of particular features, so it's fairer to make a...

I Hesitated To Switch To Brave For 2 Years Until I Realized It Works Just Like Chrome, but is 3x Faster, no Ads and Can Use All Chrome's Extensions

12 Aug 2019 4 minute read 18 comments Ra.Tomps

I have known about the Brave browser for a pretty long time now. I have been within the space since early 2017 and have managed to be able to see just a couple of up and down swings during my short time here. Back in October 2017, I had invested a fe...

Why did I switch to Brave? My unpleasant experiences with google chrome! #SwitchToBrave

12 Aug 2019 1 minute read 2 comments Medal182

Well, I would like to share the reasons why I switched to the brave browser, leaving the use of google chrome. When I started cryptocurrencies, I made a lot of faucets. Using google chrome my eyes hurt and patience burst from waiting for a page to lo...

Why I #SwitchToBrave ? For Ads Free, Safer(Privacy) and Faster

12 Aug 2019 1 minute read 3 comments Jay Maharjan

I have a CryptoCurrency related Facebook page and I also administrator few groups from that page where group members will post the earning apps that's on going. And from one of the group member's post I came to know about the brave browser that it's...

One Main Reason Why I Switched To Brave

11 Aug 2019 2 minute read 1 comment JustZ

This story is real.  First of all, I’m not a fanboy of any of the browser. Been using Firefox, Opera, even Internet Explorer and most recently Chrome. All of them have served me well depending on my needs at the given time.  Most people don’t like ch...

Switching To Brave Browser And My Thoughts On It

27 Apr 2019 1 minute read 5 comments duckmast3r

I was able to install the Brave Browser yesterday since I heard that they finally have the ads now. It's been a little less than a day and I have some cool results that I like. I didn't import correctly from my current browser so I have to manually m...

5 Reasons You Need to Switch to Brave Browser

19 Mar 2019 2 minute read 4 comments Cryptofivers

If you are still stuck with your old browser, you are missing out on the benefits of a modern browser. The web has for long been dominated by Google Chrome which is designed to support the search engine arm of the monopoly and does not care about the...